Placing an order with us couldn't be simpler!

  1. Add the products desired to the shopping cart.
  2. When order list is complete click on the shopping cart icon on the top right hand side of the page.
  3. The cart overview will show you your order. Check everything is correct.
  4. If you want to pay via a paypal account click the icon that says paypal checkout. If you do not have an account continue filling in your details. You will go through the necessary screens to complete payment easily by card.
  5. If you are paying by Paypal, you will be redirected to the paypal site to enter your payment details or to log in if you have an account.
  6. Once you've double checked your details click continue at the bottom. This will return you to Mirror Image and confirm your payment. You will receive an email to confirm your order within 24hours. 

    If you have a discount code PayPal Express will send you to in order for you to log in and authorize the payment either via your paypal account or card details if you don't have one.

    No funds are taken at this point.

    Once completed, you return to our checkout page, where you can enter their shipping information, discounts, and complete the sale.

    Only after you've been redirected to us and click continue with sale will your card be charged. This is so the correct shipping method is selected and discount is applied. 

     Paypal is a very secure online payment system which you can use regardless of whether or not you have an account. It comes with buyer protection on your order also so you can buy with confidence!

     Any questions or issues please get in touch with us!